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Optimize Size Curves and Maximize Profitability

Tackle stockouts and excess inventory with AI-powered Impact Analytics SizeSmart™, designed to boost margins and sales even amid GLP-1 disruptions.

Calculate Your Size Curves Opportunity

Get a ball-park analysis of your potential savings just by setting three simple parameters.

$0.5 B $1 B $5 B
10% 30% 100%
10% 40% 90%

Markdown Sales $: 0

Markdown AUR: 0

Markdown Sales Units: 0

1% Improvement in Markdown sales units
0Improvement in Gross Margin

Based on your inputs

1% Improvement in Markdown sales units

will lead to

0Improvement in Gross Margin

Optimal size curves typically boost Retail Markdown
Sales Units by 5-8%

Potential improvement in Gross Margin


Submit your email below to see your potential Gross Margin improvement.

Let’s Fix Your Size Curves

Retail size curves are increasingly out of whack industrywide—and that is likely hurting you with customers and costing you serious money.

Why wait a moment longer to course correct?

Evaluate the efficacy of your current size curves

Establish new, effective size curves for current use

Automatically generate size curves for upcoming buys and allocation

Identify the causes of curves-sales mismatches and resolve them

Accurately predict, and plan for, near-, mid-, and long-term size curves

Monitor evolving analytics and swiftly adapt your plans

The Worsening Problem with Today’s Size Curves

Today, the best-in-class size match (how well size curves map to actual sales by size) is around 70 percent—but many retailers match only between 20 – 50 percent in some categories. For a $1 billion fashion retailer, that gap may cost $20 million in lost sales and $20 million in reduced margins.

The widespread and deepening use of GLP-1 drugs has been growing this “size match gap” while shrinking the American consumer. And we expect over the next five to ten years, GLP-1 drug consumption will continuously push apparel purchases towards smaller sizes. It’s time for a reckoning.

Have It Your Way: As a Service or a Product

Choose Impact Analytics SizeSmart as a limited service or incorporate it into your ongoing enterprise operations as a product.

Product: Place at the Core of Fashion Allocation

Integrate SizeSmart software seamlessly into your inventory management workflow to ensure you base all your current and future buys and allocations on the most accurate, up-to-date size curves.

Service: Troubleshoot, Level-Set, and Move On

Invite in the Impact Analytics team for a one-time engagement to correct your size curves for spot-on near-term buys and allocations.

How SizeSmart Creates Optimal Size Profiles

To capture the true size demand, Impact Analytics SizeSmart analyzes historical sales data, adjusts it for lost sales opportunities—accomplished in part by comparing sales in stores that had one or more stockouts to similar stores that didn’t—and considers myriad other inputs to generate the granular sizing profiles most useful to your organization.

Take Advantage of:
Flexibility and Efficiency

The software is both flexible and efficient, enabling you to:

  • Compare size curves across hierarchies and attributes
  • Consider your choice of factors based on their significance
  • Define and employ custom constraints and rules

Take Advantage of:
Automatic Operations

SizeSmart also offers the benefits of automation. These include:

  • Data automatically shared between upstream and downstream modules
  • Custom reports generated as user-defined triggers are tripped
  • Global databases continually accessed to update curves ahead of trends
  • New sizes automatically recommended by GenAI-powered engine

How Granular Can Your Profiles Go? That Depends ….

Avoid stockouts with size curves tuned to the right levels.

  • Size ratios determined by merchandise, location, and time period
  • Profiles created for each level in every hierarchy
  • Other levels may be created for product attributes

You define the lowest (most granular) profiling level—adjust it so it’s optimal for your organization’s buy or allocation process.

The GLP-1 Golden Opportunity

Good news for fashion retailers: People who lose weight typically buy new clothes; people who lose significant weight sometimes buy an entirely new wardrobe. The upsurge in clothing sales may be huge. (We’ve done the math.) Be prepared!

NYC Leads the Way as GLP-1 Drug Use Reshapes America’s Retail Size Curves

Retailers’ Size Curves Are Broken and They Could Get a Lot Worse Soon

Get Started with Ease

Let us show you how Impact Analytics SizeSmart will dramatically improve allocation and buys for greater sales, higher profits, and happier customers. Our solution experts are on hand to discuss your specific business goals and technology needs.

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On-shelf availability


Reduction in clearance


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